Two woman lean across a table towards one another. One woman has brown hair in a ponytail and wears a white t-shirt. She is writing on a notepad. The other women has long brown hair and wears a brown jacket.

Become a Citizens for Culture associate

Find out how your cultural organisation can help support the Citizens’ Assembly

‘Citizens for Culture’ is bringing together citizens – people living, working or staying across the West of England – to explore how creative opportunities can be inclusive and accessible for everyone in the region.

Taking place in 2025 this ambitious project aims to co-create a Cultural Plan for the three areas in the West of England Combined Authority.

As part of the successful delivery of the assembly, we are calling out for freelancers, artists, individuals, cultural workers and organisations to sign up to be ‘Assembly Associates’.

Associates will be advocates for citizens-led culture and will support the campaign by:

  • Shaping the design of the assembly and associated activities
  • Sharing Citizens for Culture opportunities within their networks and communication channels
  • Submitting evidence to be presented to citizens in the assembly
  • Publicly advocating for the outcomes of the assembly in their own practice, work or organisation

Why sign up?

Becoming an associate of Citizens for Culture offers an opportunity to actively shape the future of citizen-led culture for the region.

By joining Citizens for Culture, you can connect with audiences and others in the sector from across the region more directly. By signing up as an Associate you will have the opportunity to influence cultural policy, expand your networks and advocate for meaningful change in your own communities and sectors.

Find out more:

If you are interested in becoming an associate of Citizens for Culture and would like out find out more please get in touch with Citizens for Culture Producer Anjali at